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Mission Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol


Fortune Cookies 만들기

포춘 쿠키는 미국, 유럽 등지의 중국 음식점에서 후식으로 나누어 주는 과자예요. 과자의 안을 깨보면 보통 운세가 적힌 쪽지가 들어 있지만, 단순한 중국어 낱말을 배울 수 있는 쪽지가 들어 있기도 한답니다.

Fortune cookies are a sort of dessert to enjoy after meals in the U.S. and Europe. As you break the cookies,you can find the fortune telling notes inside. It is believed that Chinese fortune cookies bring a great happiness and wealth.

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하트맵 소개하기

하트맵 그려보기

You can draw your heart map about when you cry, when you laugh, what you like, when you feel warm, what happened to you long ago. Please share it with your friends, family or teachers.

If you feel so hard to draw heart map, you can check the video, and follow the direction.

How to Draw Impossible Heart EASY

내용구성: 최시강 (대구 성산중)