
  1. <테일러스위프트> 수업 기억하시나요? 그 때 수업했던 학생들의 기록을 공개하고자 합니다.

테일러스위프트가 왕따당한 팬에게 한 이야기 관련수업


2. 당신이 14살 한나에게 해줄 수 있을 말을 영어로 써보세요. Write in English what you can say to Hannah, 14 years old.

I know it must be hard to be bullied, but I know how you feel because I was bullied like you. I know it's hard and scary enough to be compared to Eundda, but I hope someone will like you and love you, so cheer up even if it's hard. I'll support you from afar. Cheer up.

* from afar : 멀리서

You have power to ignore them. if they keep bullying, you can say to your parents and school teacher. say "If you guys keep bullying me, I will say to my parents and teachers!"

*ignore : 무시하다 keep bullying : 왕따시키다

I think there is no reason to take revenge on those who bullied you. I think it is better to just ignore them and say "Uh...sorry...but who are you?" Won't this look much cooler?

*take revenge on 복수하다 cool : 멋진, 끝내주는

You have a lot of people that love you around. Do not forget! Don't give up, I'm forever on your side. * give up 포기하다 on your side : 너의 편에서

Hi, Hannah? I heard about you and I think you must have had a hard time. To solve the bullying problem, I think you should be brave enough to tell them not to do it if they bother you and ask them to help you, your parents, or your friends. I'm sorry if what I said wasn't encouraging or hurtful. Cheer up! :)

*ask A to B : A에게 B를 요청하다 encouraging : 격려하는 hurtful : 상처주는

힘든 학생들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 아이디어를 아래에 써주세요.

2. 국제이해교육

3. 가짜뉴스 관련 영상

4. 명령문

5. 명령문을 활용한 조언하기 Self-check up

6. 오늘은 어버이날입니다. 부모님들께 사랑한다는 표현 어떨까요?

내용구성: 최시강( 대구 성산중 )